English Classical Sarscam - Sarcastic Humour in English - English Best Funny Memes Template 2023

English Classical Sarscam - Sarcastic Humour in English - English Best Funny Memes Template 2023

She said sorry I can't give you a place in my heart I said keep it in mind it is also empty.
A woman went to buy something. When she opened her purse to make the payment at the cash counter, the shopkeeper noticed a TV remote in her purse and asked, "Do you always carry the TV remote with you?" She replied, "No, not always, but today my husband refused to come with me for shopping, so I brought it to change the cartoon channel on TV. The story continues with the shopkeeper laughing and saying he'll return all the items because her husband blocked her credit card.

Lesson: Respect your husband's interests.

The story continues. The woman, with a smile, took out her husband's credit card from her purse and paid all the bills.

Lesson: Never underestimate a woman's strength.

One hand with lipstick,
Another with a mobile,
One ear on the pressure cooker's whistle,
Another on WhatsApp notifications,
One eye on the TV,
Another on her husband's actions.

Who says a woman's life is easy...😂
Someone asked a philosopher, "What kind of woman would you prefer to marry?"

The philosopher replied, "I don't want her to be so beautiful that others also admire her, nor so ugly that I become disgusted. Neither too tall that I have to crane my neck to talk nor too short that I have to bend down. Not too slim that she seems like a fantasy figure, nor too plump with doors closing around her. Not too fair like wax nor too dark like a ghost. Not too ignorant that she can't understand me, nor so knowledgeable that she keeps arguing with me."

Eventually, the philosopher concluded, "May I find peace; a deceased, unmarried one."

Note: The humor lies in the philosopher's exaggerated and picky preferences, leading to the unexpected ending.
The doctor placed a thermometer in the woman's mouth and instructed her to keep her mouth closed. After observing her husband's prolonged silence, he jokingly asked, "Dr. Sahib, how much does this 'keep quiet' thing cost?"
A person was passing through a mountainous path. Suddenly, he heard a voice saying, "Stop." He halted, and just in front of him, a large rock fell. Thanking the voice, he continued ahead.

A few days later, the person was on another journey. Again, he heard the same voice, "Stop." He stopped, and a car zoomed past him swiftly. Expressing gratitude for the voice, he asked, "Who are you? Who repeatedly saves my life?" The voice replied, "I am the guardian angel." He thanked again, teary-eyed, and asked, "*Where were you during my wedding?*" The response came, and the drums played loudly. The voice added, "*The announcement was made even then.*"
It is often observed that people do not distinguish between the genders of animals or insects.

For example, if a cat or bat enters the house, most people would say, "A cat came," even though it might be a bat. It should be said that a cat or bat came.

Many sisters in the kitchen often exclaim, "Oh, I'm dead!" when they see a spider!

Who knows if it was a spider or a cockroach... so caution is necessary. Instead of screaming that a spider or cockroach has come, say it out loud.

Some people complain about mosquitoes, saying, "The mosquito didn't let me sleep."

It could be a female mosquito, meaning Mrs. Mosquito...

Wouldn't it bother you if you are a girl and someone calls you a boy?

So think about how bad it would be for that cockroach if it's called a spider or that mosquito if it's called a mosquito? Their hearts will be broken, won't they?

Therefore, from today, be cautious. Don't reveal the hearts of these creatures.

Thank you. 🙊
Girl: Enough, someone will see!!
Boy: Nothing will happen, just stay still and remove your hand from there
Girl: No, that's it now!
Boy: Please, a little more, let me do it. If not shown, then what about me?
I'll be featured in the newspaper!!
Sort out your mind, crazies! 

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